Contact Snow Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense Attorney representing individuals in Colorado state courts in postconviction criminal matters, to include Rule 35(a), Rule 35(b) and Rule 35(c) motions for postconviction relief at the trial level, as well as in criminal appeals to Colorado appellate courts and to military courts of appeal.

The information provided on is for information purposes only and should not and is not intended to be used as legal advice.  Completion and submission of the below form does not create an attorney-client relationship with Snow Criminal Defense, LLC or with Attorney Barbara Snow.  The form, once completed and submitted, is intended to assist Attorney Snow in determining whether your case is one she can accept.  Please keep in mind that Attorney Snow’s practice is focused on challenges to criminal convictions at the trial and appellate levels in Colorado state courts.  

Please ensure to provide at least one reliable telephone number, a reliable mailing address and an e-mail address (if available) so that Snow Criminal Defense can reach you.  Failure to provide reliable information could result in Snow Criminal Defense being unable to contact you.  Thank you.

Free Case Evaluation Form

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    How did you hear about Snow Criminal Defense?

    Legal issue(s) with which you would like assistance

    List of Pending Charges (if applicable)

    Court Where Charges Are Pending (if applicable)

    Next scheduled court hearing (if applicable)

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